Vancouver’s Marine Building has been featured in movies and TV shows. Vancouver, well-known as the Hollywood Of The North, boasts many...
Simon Fraser is a famous name throughout the province of British Columbia. Fraser was an explorer and fur trader, and was...
The Rio 2016 Summer Olympics are here! Below, you’ll find a list of BC athletes competing in the Games. Be sure...
The sometimes serene, sometimes stormy and always inspiring Gwaii Haanas is located in the southern half of Haida Gwaii*, an...
Summer is just around the corner, and you’re probably wondering how you can make the most out of this one....
Why is it that TV shows set elsewhere are constantly shot in Vancouver? It is because the city has not...
With its official 1886 incorporation, Vancouver is a young city. In a playpen of world capitals it’s practically a newborn....
If you’re looking to explore vibrant local, national and international art, British Columbia has everything you’re looking for. From venues...
At times, British Columbia seems to be permeated by a prevailing theme of boom-and-bust. From mining ghost towns to gold rushes, we’re a...
Victoria boasts the claim to fame of most haunted city in British Columbia – and for so many reasons. It seems...
With Halloween just over a week and a half away, we thought we’d cast a spotlight on some of Vancouver’s...
Sometimes popular actors can seem like celebrities living on a whole other planet. Or in Hollywood and New York City at least. Would...