The term “foraging” can conjure up a variety of images – out in the forest, on a grassy plain, in...
Each step forward feels like the last rep of a tough set at the gym, except that I’m not lying...
It is just after sunset in mid-August 2019, and Leah Rensel is getting ready with a team of biologists and...
It’s a beautiful morning in Vancouver’s English Bay. A storm has just passed through, shaking up the waters and washing...
Snow falls heavily outside, while inside the potbelly stove burns hot. The fragrant smell of fresh cedar shavings fills the...
The Alaska Highway, known as Highway 97 in British Columbia and Highway 1 in Yukon, meanders west along the 60th...
On a summer day in 1995, John Harper, a BC marine geologist, realized there was something he was repeatedly seeing...
“Deserts are where people go when they’re thrown out of Paradise.” —poet-laureate George Bowering, on Okanagan grasslands Climbing upward...
Nothing makes a person forget winter quicker than a walk through Vancouver’s delicate pink-and-white canopy of cherry blossoms, exploring colourful...
If there’s one thing we should all have realized from the near daily news reports of climate change phenomena—from fracturing...
High above the Trans-Canada Highway, where it cuts across the continental divide on the BC-Alberta border, there’s a small fossil...
The VHF radio call comes early in the morning. “I’ve spotted a mother humpback with a young one who’s dragging...