From the scourge of pine beetle to the tragedy of last year’s sawmill fire, the Village of Burns Lake has experienced more than its fair share of adversity in recent years. But as the short film “Not Another Ghost Town” reveals, this small community is healing its spirit and its economy. One of the ways it’s doing so is through the construction of a world-class mountain bike trail system.
Over the past decade, the non-profit Burns Lake Mountain Biking Association has developed 12 downhill and 12 cross-country trails. The BLMBA also offers a coaching program and a three-day fat-tire event playfully called The Big Pig Mountain Biking Festival. The trails are free to ride and are inclusive of all levels and ages. “There’s a flavour for every riding style,” says one of the trail’s proponents. “But it’s more than the sum of its parts—you can also camp and swim in the lake.”
The 13-minute film, directed by Nicholas Teichrob, debuted this week on
Info: Northern BC Tourism