The North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre (which is operated by the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association) is located at 1240 Leffler Rd. in Errington. The association is dedicated to caring for sick, injured or orphaned wildlife on Vancouver Island, as well as educating the public on wildlife and environmental issues.
The Recovery Centre is situated on eight acres, and visitors can come and see the permanent residents and temporary guests at the centre, such as eagles, owls, falcons, hawks, ravens and black bears. Be sure to visit the Learning Centre, the Museum of Nature and the Bear Den Gifts shop while you’re here, and take a stroll along the nature trail.
The Recovery Centre offers a state-of-the-art veterinary clinic for the sick and injured animals that come here, as well as a wildlife rehabilitation facility to give these animals the best chances for re-introduction into the wild.
Although the Recovery Centre strives to release the injured, sick or orphaned animals that come here, sometimes that just isn’t possible. And when that happens, these animals become permanent residents, and help to educate visitors that come to the facility. The North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre is known as a world-class rehabilitation and care facility for black bears and raptors.
Because the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre is a not-for-profit organization and receives no government funding, they depend on the kind donations of the public, as well as their passionate volunteer team. If you would like to contribute to the Recovery Centre, there are plenty of ways! You can donate, adopt an animal, volunteer your time, leave a charitable bequest or buy a membership to visit the facility. When you adopt an animal at the Recovery Centre, your money will go towards food, annual checkups, medical care and even toys for the animal of your choice.
In addition to more traditional volunteer roles, including gift shop attendants, animal transport, animal care volunteers and more, the Recovery Centre also offers volunteer and learning opportunities for the younger generation interested in helping wildlife. The Green Teen Program is geared towards youth between the ages of 12 to 18 who are passionate about wildlife and teaching others. There is also a Student Intern Program, which garners students nationally and internationally who want to learn about animal rehabilitation and wildlife gardening. For more information about volunteering, the Recovery Centre is hosting a volunteer orientation session on Feb. 12.
For more information about the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre, or about how you can donate or volunteer your time, visit