With no lifts to wait for or long line-ups, cross-country skiing is a great way to experience the beauty of winter in British Columbia.
For groomed trails, you’ll often have to pay a user fee, while some routes may only be accessible by four-wheel-drive vehicles. For lessons, tours or rentals, check out some of the larger cross-country ski clubs or lodges.
Bulkley Valley Nordic Centre
Trails: The Bulkley Valley Cross-Country Ski Club keeps 45 kilometres of trails in tip-top shape. There are also 5.5 kilometres of trails lit for evening skiing. These trails offer skiing for all levels – easy to advanced.
Closest town: Smithers
Fees: $10 for adults, $5 for juniors aged nine to 18.
Notable information: There are ski lessons available for kids and adults, and facilities include a day lodge.
Website: http://www.bvnordic.ca
Bear Mountain Nordic Ski Trails
Trails: The Bear Mountain Nordic Ski Club grooms about 23 kilometres of trails for skiers to enjoy.
Closest town: Dawson Creek
Fees: $8 per person
Notable information: There is a day lodge available, and warming huts.
Website: http://www.nordicski.ca
Cariboo Ski Touring Club
Trails: The club grooms and maintains 75 km of trails at Hallis Lake, including 3.5 in of lit track and additional trails for snowshoeing.
Closest town: Quesnel
Fees: day pass fee is $10 for adults.
Notable information: The club offers classic and skate ski rentals (and snowshoes too). The lodge is open 7 days a week during the ski season and offers a concession on weekends.
Website: http://www.caribooski.ca
One Hundred Mile Nordic Ski Society
Trails: The Ski Society is in charge of 50 kilometres of trails at the 99 Mile Ski Centre. There is a five-kilometre lighted trail for night skiing and racing loops at 2.5, 3.5, five, 7.5, 10 and 20 kilometres and the stadium.
Closest town: 100 Mile House
Fees: $10 for adults, $6 for kids under 17.
Notable information: There is a day lodge, warming huts and washrooms. The club also offers lessons. This trail connects to the Red Coach Trails, part of the 150-kilometre network around 100 Mile House.
Website: http://www.100milenordics.com
Callaghan Country
Trails: Callaghan Country is a full-service, backcountry lodge offering 40 kilometres of groomed trails for cross-country skiing. These trails connect with the trails at Olympic Park, offering more than 90 kilometres total.
Closest town: Whistler
Fees: $20 for adults, $12 for youth and $8 for snowshoeing. These passes are good for Callaghan Country and Olympic Park.
Notable information: There is a day lodge, restaurant and snack bar available. Ski and snowshoe rentals are available at the lodge, Olympic Park and in Whistler.
Website: http://www.callaghancountry.com
China Ridge Cross-Country Ski Association
Trails: The China Ridge Cross-Country Ski Association grooms 45 kilometres of trails, and there’s another 19 kilometres of backcountry trails. For the groomed trails, about 20 per cent are rated for beginners, 40 per cent for intermediates, 40 per cent for advanced and there’s an additional four kilometres that are assigned double black diamond.
Closest town: Princeton
Fees: $10 per person or a seasonal membership.
Notable information: There is a day lodge, waxing room and three warming huts available. A backcountry cabin, about 10 kilometres down the trail, can be rented.
Website: http://www.chinaridgetrails.com/CR/Welcome.html
Overlander Ski Club
Trails: The Overlander Ski Club handles 49 kilometres of trails at Stake Lake.
Closest town: Kamloops
Fees: $12 for adults, $6 for kids aged eight to 18.
Notable information: There is a day lodge available. Base elevation is 1,270 metres.
Website: http://www.overlanderskiclub.com
Paulson Cross-Country Ski Trails
Trails: The Castlegar Nordic Ski Club grooms 45 kilometres of trails – double and single track for beginner to advanced skiers.
Closest town: Castlegar
Fees: Adults $8, kids under 16 are $4.
Notable information: There are warming shelters and bathrooms available.
Website: http://www.castlegarnordic.ca
Mount MacPherson Cross-Country Ski Trails
Trails: The Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club grooms 22 kilometres of trails.
Closest town: Revelstoke
Fees: Adults $6, family $12.
Notable information: There are many difficult sections along the trails, as well as intermediate and easy sections to navigate. The club hosts a lantern-lighted ski tour twice a season.
Website: http://www.revelstokenordic.org
Kimberley Ski Resort
Trails: The Kimberley Ski Resort offers 33 kilometres of groomed trails, maintained by the Kimberley Nordic Club. There’s also three kilometres of lit trails for night skiing, as well as some backcountry skiing and snowshoeing opportunities.
Closest town: Kimberley
Fees: $5 per person or $20 for a family for a cross-country ski day pass.
Notable information: The Kimberley Ski Resort has a day care, bar, cafeteria and restaurant available. There are also programs for adults and kids and equipment rentals are available.
Website: http://skikimberley.com